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tv   wusa 9 News at 6pm  CBS  February 26, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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monday morning. >> wonderful blast? who wrote that? first alert meteorologist topper shutt is in the weather center. >> this will be a very complicated storm, more potential, more moisture and right now it's taking aim on us on monday. we're looking at the next storm by the morning commute monday, should be in here. it's trending colder which means more of a wintery mix. it won't be a straight snow. the storm has a lot of moisture and potential. we could see rain or ice and it could end as snow late monday night into tuesday. the storm will track it all week across the great basin now. it moved into california earlier. it will move across the rockies. meanwhile an area of arctic air begins to slide southward and as that happens the question is how far south will this arctic air slide if the storm tracks essentially into the mississippi river valley sunday and then to a point south and east of us and the arctic air will be very close to the immediate metro area almost
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bisecting some of our viewers. it won't be cold enough for snow but possibly for freezing rain and sleet and that's what we'll be on the lookout for the next several days. again it will be here by monday morning. with another storm to the way next monday area school systems say there are lessons to be learned from this morning's decision that helped to contribute to a mini carmageddon. >> reporter: i'm peggy fox in northern virginia where school officials are learning from that rough ride to school this morning and applying it to the next storm. fast falling snow hit at the worst possible time, the morning rush, sending cars skidding and crashing and that meant gridlock. >> everyone looks forward to a nice two hour commute on a 17- mile journey. >> reporter: many parents and students across the region were surprised this all of the large school districts decided to start on time today. >> i think that was a little risky. it was very slippery outside. i think it at least should have been a delay. >> i think it was fine. i walked my child to school.
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>> i've been up since 2:45. the snow didn't come down till 10:00. >> reporter: the delay was decided against because forecasters today the chief operating officer it would have put students in the worst of the bad weather. >> if i could take it back, i would contemplate the two hour delay a little longer. i'm scott broom in montgomery county, maryland, looking for answers today after a little bit of snow this morning caused a lot of mayhem. where were the salt trucks? >> today we were stuck in the same traffic arrives else. >> reporter: the maryland state highway administration said 250 crews were out in the d.c. region hours before the first flakes fell before dawn today, but once the snow started a full rush hour was underway. >> there was a lot of volume like a normal rush hour today. so we were stuck behind those vehicles. >> reporter: the outcome, gridlock and students in montgomery county taking to twitter, epic fail tweeted one
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kid. >> this was one of those days where the weather that was coming hadn't arrived yet. >> reporter: montgomery county schools. >> the federal government stayed open, schools stayed open and i am sure it did make it more challenging for our plows. ultimately we thought there wasn't enough snow to cancel. a two-hour delay wouldn't have bastos anything. we felt the best thing -- bought us anything. we felt the best thing to do was open school on time. >> as we know, it's a tough call either way. a school bus filled with students returning from a white house field trip hit and killed an elderly pedestrian today. it happened this afternoon at columbia pike and tech road in silver spring. that bus was returning to hammond middle school in laurel carrying 14 children. none of them were hurt. the students boarded another bus back to laurel. d.c. mayor vincent gray leaves the crowded field of candidates in the democratic mayoral primary.
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however, a majority of voters want somebody else in the office even though they give gray high marks for job performance. it's the irregularity from that 2010 campaign that is still haunting him. bruce johnson reports muriel bowser has emerged as gray's nearest challenger. >> reporter: d.c. council member muriel bowser was out walking in the voter rich area of ward 5 today. the latest public poll has her moving away from the crowded field of challenging but still eight points behind mayor vincent gray. >> the poll says district residents want to elect a new mayor and our campaign is positioned to win april 1st. >> reporter: bowser won the washington post endorsement and counts on voters still bothered by the 2010 shadow campaign of the mayor to put her over the top. >> when you have officials who corrupted an election, a campaign, for me that's disqualifying. >> reporter: mayor gray thus
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far refused to single bowser out in a crowded field of seven challengers. today he was slamming another opponent, councilman tommy wells, who is calling for the mayor to dismiss his fire chief and public safety director. >> i think it's a ridiculous political trick. i notice the further down some of these people go in the pops, the more desperate become some of the -- polls, the more desperate become some of the tactics. >> reporter: gray calls it a surge, strategy to make the latest poll lead grow. according to this latest poll, mayor gray has a significant lead at this point but not insurmountable. he's got 28% of the vote followed biobaseer in second place with 20% of the vote. -- by bowser in second place with 20% of the vote. councilman jack evans today took aim at muriel bowser campaigning in her own backyard
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on kennedy street in ward 4. >> councilwoman bowser touts herself as an economic councilwoman and yet in her ward it is sorely lacking. >> tonight there will be a democratic mayoral candidate debate on the radio at 7 p.m. and i think all eight candidates are invited. new information on a u.s. postal carrier attacked and robbed and beaten on his own route in northeast d.c. yesterday. now he's out of the hospital after treatment for minor injuries. the u.s. postal inspection service is offer being a $50,000 reward for -- offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of the two attackers. this sadly was the third attack on a u.s. mail carrier in this region in the last three months. in november nail carrier tyson barnett was murdered while -- mail carrier tyson barnett was murdered while out delivering the mail in prince george's county. the abuse case at a woodbridge daycare takes a closer step towards trial and a judge says there is probably
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cause to move the case to circuit court. two former caretakers at the minnieland academy at the glenn face two counts of child cruelty. in testimony two former employees say the women abused the children including spraying toddlers with water, stepping on their toes and hitting them with objects. the charges involve three children, but at least nine children were affected. the defense attorneys suggest it was corporal punishment and the discipline was appropriate. coming up next an altercation breaks out between a police officer and the man who was video taming -- videotaping him making the arrest. >> we are cold and clear now. we had about an inch and a half of notice on the weather terrace. high temperature 38 at national, low was 30, averages now 50 and 33, record high 74, record low 12. we will come back, look ahead to the weekend and to our next st
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can you and i as regular citizens whip out our cell phones and video the cops making arrests? even the courts say yes as long as we're not violating any laws and that is why this confrontation is under investigation. take a listen. >> i haven't done anything wrong. >> leave! >> i have done nothing. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, sir.
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there is no reason for you to be here. >> you don't. you just lost it. >> we are concerned about what we saw in the video and the department will be taking a thorough look at that video. >> you just lost your freedom of speech apparently. that man was recording last sunday as baltimore county and maryland state cops made a handful of arrests over a public disturbance in towson. we shonould te the man with the camera was not arrested, nor did he file a complaint. however, that video hit the internet and went viral and that's what sparked the investigation now underway by the baltimore county police. >> cameras are always on, always on. a few million here, a few there and pretty soon you're talking real money. today the folks who run d.c., maryland and virginia were talking real money that they've just committed to making your ride on metro a little better. >> agreed in principle that the three jurisdictions will each this year contribute, put up $25 million, so that we can purchase more high capacity
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trains on metro to obviously deal with all the issues with the tremendous growth that we have with metro. >> metro is in the midst of a huge upgrade. that includes a transition from the six-car train to the eight- car train. metro's general manager calls today's $75 million commitment a key downpayment on the future. you know that old saying in this world nothing is certain except death and taxes and let's face it, we can add potholes to that list, but we here at wusa9 want to wipe these craters off the list, but we need your help. if you see one, shoot us an e- mail and picture if you can. we will report it and stay on the case until it is filled. go to fill in the location of the pothole. that's where you can upload a picture. the pothole patrol and your fellow drivers thank you. from the super bowl to the home of a d.c. cop, alleged
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child sex trafficking happening in more places more often than most of us
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let's teupda you on the affordable care act. the department of health and human services says over 4 million people have signed up
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for healthcare so far and there are five weeks left in the open enrollment period. white house officials say the update is encouraging and there will be a new push to increase those numbers. a record enrollment is needed in march in order to reach the initial target of 6 million by the deadline. at the super bowl this year police rescued 16 children from pimps who were allegedly prostituting them in hotels near the stadium. here close to home d.c. cops found one of their own allegedly marketing kids for sex out of his own apartment. >> now congressman frank wolf of virginia is pushing a crackdown on the child sex trade at a hearing on capitol hill today. our bruce leshan was there. >> reporter: the stories almost too heart rendering too tell. >> i didn't know about sex trafficking until i was in the middle of it. >> reporter: like bryanna, honor role student, cheerleader recruited into prostitution at a small town cafe. >> one guy offered me $1,000 for an hour and i couldn't
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believe it. >> reporter: or stephanie boot who testified about a guy pushing her to prostitute herself at the age of 13. >> there were three men that night and at the end of it i couldn't stop vomiting. >> reporter: congressman wolf said children are being sold for sex at hotels across northern virginia, in sterling, in ashburn and herndon and they are often advertised on websites like >> i can't believe, i don't know the people at backpage, but they must have a hard time sleeping. >> reporter: the wife of senator john mccain testified about a state bill to allow prosecutors to charge child sex traffickers with racketeering in arizona, the site of next year's super bowl. you and the senator have these beautiful kids. >> yes, we do. >> reporter: you worry about even them? >> yes, i do. >> reporter: by some accounts this is among the least reported of all crimes. investigators suspect that they are hearing about just 1% of
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all the cases. >> i can tell you that our caseload is extremely overwhelming right now. >> reporter: detective william wolfe works with the northern virginia human sex trafficking task force. >> the average age of induction in commercial sex in the united states is 13 years old. >> reporter: 13? >> yes. >> reporter: these are little kids. >> yes, sir. >> reporter: and america may be failing to protect them. on capitol hill bruce leshan, wusa9. >> now wolfe just helped pass a bill that pushes the justice department to target websites like backpage that facilitate sex trafficking, but he's urging an even more aggressive crackdown before he retires after the next election. the maryland civic gave preliminary approval to a compromised bill over dog bites today. the measure would hold dog owners liable for bites but protect any owner who did notten a dog was dangerous. the bill -- not know a dog was dangerous. the bill comes in response to a law that made landlords and
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owners strictly liable without knowledge that a dog was dangerous. this bitter winter weather and labor shortages are causing delivery delays. at the port of new jersey truckers have been stuck in line for hours trying to pick up cargo. those delays are backing up product deliveries at major retailers up and down the east coast. the truckers try to make the shipments, but they are running on fumes. >> we're spending a ton of money on fuel. we're paying our drivers to sit idle at the piers for hours upon hours. >> now the port of newark is the largest on the east coast. there are now discussions of diverting cargo to other ports if they can't fix these backups. speaking of backups, there were quite a few of them on the road. >> what's this about more snow monday? >> not so much snow. i'm more concerned about rain to ice. in the end snow but more of rain to ice. >> i'd argue that's even more.
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>> we don't like that. you lose power in that situation with ice. first things first, let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, 38 was the high today. snow totals 1 to 2 inches, 2 inches in vienna, gaithersburg, a little over 2 1/2 inches in baden, 1.5 here and 1 inch at prince frederick. all the snow is pretty much gone on the weather terrace. february over 11 inches so far snowfall, average 5.7. statistically it is our snowiest month of the year. it has snowed eight of 26 days in february. now let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, down to 34, dew point relative humidity 31%. you don't think the air is dry inside your house? it's running at about 12% indoor relative humidity. 31 chevy chase, 27 white oak, 29 reston, 32 leesburg, 30
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fairfax, 34 dumfries, woodbridge, dale city and 34 in waldorf. even colder tonight, could be an icy patch on your driveway. most of the roads pretty dry today, bus stop temps 15 to 30. clear and very cold tonight, 14 to 24, winds light southerly at 5 to 10. they'll calm down and by morning we're looking at temps in the upper teens, low 20s, city temps, upper 20s by 9:00, mid-30s by 11:00. winds pick up and then upper 30s by 1:00. next three days even colder friday, 31, still chilly saturday, rain or snow shower possible, 44. these temps are going in the right direction for a while. we're actually near 50 sunday. that hasn't changed, but then monday we'll say rain or rain to ice, arctic air lurking, a band of snow tuesday and very
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cold next wednesday. >> isn't this march coming up here? >> march is coming in not like a lamb or lion, kind of in between. the nationals are a couple days from their first spring training game. >> we'll hear from two of the newest nats about how they're adjusting to the new team coming can you see us? are you there?
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now game on with kristen berset. >> when the washington nationals take the field for the first time friday, you might get a sense of deja vu because the jorityof the roster is the same from last year. gm mike rizzo made just a few minor adjustments in the offseason, but overall this is a tight knit squad. imagine being the new guy coming into this clubhouse. new pitcher doug fister and outfielder nate mclouth are two key pieces added this offseason. both have dealt with trades before, but they're just anxious to finally be a part of this team. >> the biggest thing for me is finding out what everybody is about, finding the way of the land here in natsville i guess you'd call it. >> i know a good number of guys here from, played with a few of them, played against most of them at one point or another. it's a pretty easy transition. there's still a little bit of new guy in school type of
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thing. >> here's the lineup friday in the first spring game. the competition begins with taylor jordan starting and nate mclouth will be on the field. college basketball season is winding down, the regular season. the cavaliers have three games left and a strong finish means they could capture the acc title. the cavs are the surprise of the season ranked 12th now way 23-5 record. tonight they host the reigning acc champs jim larranaga and the miami hurricane. >> you got to be ready for whatever opponent away, home, whether their record isn't where yours is. all those things come into play and i think we're seeing that and knowing when a team comes to play, there's a bull's eye or target on you and you have to be ready for it early and often. here's your daily reminder to vote in our game of the week poll, three games to choose from this week. text the code you want to 25543
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or vote at usa todayhighschoolsports maryland would beat the kansas jayhawks team in the 2004 final rout for the school's only national championship. he is excited for another stint with the wizards even though nobody weres it. >> it was a little -- remembers it. >> it was a little longer than 10 days, wasn't it? >> i don't think. so. very cold tonight, okay tomorrow, finish out the month dry. we're watching the storm next week monday, could be some ice, update coming up. >> two days left in the month. that's it for us. the cbs evening news is next. >> i'll be back at 7:00 with jan for your only local news at
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7:00. never
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>> pelley: tonight, a clash between religious freedom and civil rights. a is torn by a propose laud that could protect one group at the expense of another. carter evans reports as the governor prepares to decide. bitter cold is forecast into march. vinita nair on saving children from extreme weather. a remarkable test for fetal defects promises more acexpraes ease. dr. jon lapook reports. the world's most vicious war is captured in a single picture. we have the story behind the image. and jim axelrod burros under ground to discover people who just love a long, hard, winter. >> reporter: you may be one of the few people in


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